Palm Sunday. Holy Week. Easter. Pentacost.
I don't really like the change in seasons that comes with the shift between Winter and Spring and then as Spring progresses and turns to Summer, but I really do enjoy those three holidays. Oh, by the way, in Chinese, winter is dōngtiān (冬天), spring is chūntiān (春天), summer is xiàtiān (夏天), and fall is qiūtiān (秋天). Hm. Spellchecker doesn't thing dongtian or chuntian is spelled wrong. Weirdness. (Chinese is epicness)
Anyway, I really love Palm Sunday because I think the whole thing about how Jesus Christ is so amazing and so wonderful that if he weren't going to receive praise from the humans, the rocks would worship him. I have two pet rocks (have being a loose term, as all they do is sit on my shelf) named Hansel and Gretel and believe me, the two of them never do anything. It's hard to imagine something so important that stones would raise their voices and call out. That is such an amazing message.
And then Gethsemane is the most heartbreaking scene in the entire Bible. It just is. It's got two kinds of betrayal, insurmountable grief, determination, a fight scene, bribery... I know that Mr. S probably used some great example of the Black Moment in his curriculum, but to me, the Garden of Gethsemane is the ultimate Black Moment in any story. (For you non-OYAN-educated people: the black moment is the beginning of the third act, and where things are so awful there's no way the hero can ever climb out of it.)
I really don't like how it's called Good Friday. I've never understood why. Really, I think they should switch Good Friday with Black Friday and then I'd be just find, because I could care less about Black Friday. The gospel is the ultimate story. The Bible is the ultimate story. It's just the gospel is the crowning jewel in that story and Good Friday is like the best indirect Showdown ever. And, Jesus has some of the most dramatic lines in recorded history! And the teardrop is just... AH!
Am I getting my point across? Can you tell that I really love this story?
A weekend after the tears comes Easter. And Easter is the best celebration, ever. "Christ the Lord is risen today! Alleluia." Love that song. Easter is bright and cheerful and colorful and the one day out of the year that I consistently enjoy that bright, colorful theme. The rest of the year, I'm more of a dark person.
That concludes what most people few as Holy Week; and I accepted that a long time ago, but I think it's a capital crime that more people don't celebrate Pentacost. This celebration is dedicated entirely to the aspect of the Trinity that I think gets the most lost in the general scheme of things. There's reds and whites and fire and I've memorized Paul's speech given on that day. Just think about it! Approximately 3000 people were saved because the Holy Spirit gave the disciples the ability to speak in other languages. I certainly believe that's something to celebrate!
The added bonus, of Holy Week, is that Doctor Who airs on Saturday. I'm excited. NINE DAYS. Although, if I do end up out of town and not able to watch it... well... I'll find it. Somewhere. On Easter evening or Monday...
I always loved the thing about rocks crying out too! :o
ReplyDeleteMy Spanish teacher was actually talking about Good Friday today. She emphasized the fact that, NO, it was most certainly not 'good' for Christ. But for us... it meant salvation, redemption, eternal life. Which is really all that matters in life =P So it's kind of 'good'.